My Polyskeptic Legacy: Cute Animal Internet Pictures
My day at work started off fabulously, but as yet another rain storm billowed in, my energy level was zapped. I went to an uninspiring meeting, came back and dealt with a bit of an emotional episode, ate a bunch of pretzel Goldfish and then...well, then I was spent.
I had a choice to make: Be unproductive or look at cute animal pictures on the internet.
No, no, no...this wasn't just an exercise in not getting work done. A while back I signed up for this goal achieving game thing that gave you points for doing little things everyday to make your life better. As always, my goal was to be happier which for me means stressing a lot less. One of the tips was to look at a picture of a cute animal everyday because you get a happiness boost from that.
Now, you all know that I cold, black heart, right?
OK, that might be a bit of a stretch. By cold, black, heart I mean I have a sarcastic sense of humor and can get pretty cynical about certain things pretty easily. That said, I didn't think that looking at kittens would really help me.
But then I remembered that there are other animals out there other than kittens! There are otters! And elephants! And ferrets! And, well, so many more. Before I knew it, this became an actual useful trick for getting me out of a funk. Take for instance this link to The Happiest Animals in the World. How freaking effective is that in boosting your mood, hmm? The second you see that smiling, strutting elephant, you can't help but want to do the same.
I'm sure there are people out there more cynical than me who are saying, "Those animals aren't smiling. They have gas or...are having a seizure." Well, be that as it's the cutest case of gas and/or seizures I've ever seen. And seriously, why do you want to steal this moment from me, hmm? Why don't you just click on the link and be happy for once. JEEZ.
As you may recall, I talk a lot about otters and Shaun counters with talk of pygmy marmosets. Today while I was searching for happiness boosting animal pictures on the internet (so difficult, I know), I found this:

This isn't just an otter, but an otter nuzzling a goat. I have asked Wes multiple times if we can have a goat in our backyard. "It'll mow the lawn...naturally!" I say. "It will eat everything." he says. I make a case for making cheese or something, but it never ends with a definite, "Yes, Gina, you can get a goat." Plus, then I remember that we'd have to bring the goat inside in the winter and that indoor menagerie makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Anyway, this picture is awesome and was the perfect "pill" for my shitty mood.
Then I found this:

OK, fine, Shaun. I concede this point to you at the moment. That's a Pygmy Marmoset hanging out ON a banana. It doesn't get much cuter than that.
The entire point of this post was to put pictures of cute animals up on the internet. I am continuing the cycle of destruction...or something. Destructive cuteness! I'll take it.
I hope these brighten your day just a little bit too.
And so it was that I became the complete and utter fluff writer for
No, that does not make me the fluffer.