Predictions for 2021
In the spirit of SlateStarCodex, here are my predictions for 2021. I am using round numbers for all predictions for ease of calculation.
Everyone in the US who wants a vaccine will be able to get one by the end of the year: 90% the end of September: 80% the end of July: 60%
The current wave of infections has peaked and will steadily decline through January: 60%
There will be an additional wave of infections from the new British strain: 60%
The US will not follow a strategy of maximizing first vaccine shots, and instead will hold second shots in reserve: 80%
Sweden will not have a substantially higher (>20%) death rate compared to the rest of Europe: 80%
South Dakota will not have a substantially higher (>20%) death rate compared to North Dakota: 80%
I will be vaccinated before (knowingly) getting covid-19: 70%
I will be vaccinated by June: 70%
Both Republicans will win the Georgia runoff elections: 60%
The same party will win both Georgia runoff elections: 90%
The Senate will not vote on $2,000 stimulus checks in January: 80%
Biden will cancel at least some student debt: 70%
None of my student debt will be canceled: 80%
No additional stimulus will be passed in 2021: 60%
No healthcare public option will be passed in 2021: 80%
US economic growth will increase >5% in both Q3 and Q4 2021
My business makes more profit in 2021 than 2020: 90%
...than 2019: 70%
Eagle Camp will return in 2021: 70%
I will lose at least 25 pounds: 70%
At the end of the year, I will still be making the Mind Killer podcast: 80%
At the end of the year, I will still be making the More Perfect Collingswood podcast: 80%
I will attend or host a party with >10 people by July: 70%
Discord will continue being my primary social network all year: 80%